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We have some hilarious stories lined up for you about people who have either dropped their wallet, lost or broke their cell phone, or lost keys Philadelphia style while in the Big City. Has this ever happened to you ? We don't recommend for you to try this where you live, as some of the situations
could be down right scary since you may even have to pay to have keys made Philadelphia style.
I don't know about where you live, but it seems that where ever there is a set of lost keys Philadelphia style, there are kids. Why is that? These little people are like car key magnets. Yet whenever it's time to pay for having keys made Philadelphia style, they are nowhere to be found. Maybe that's the solution. There should be a car key Philadelphia category for the 12 and under crowd and they should be the paying customers. The yellow pages never had that as a separate category, but google might. So maybe we should start a petition for it. The next time you google search "car key Philadelphia," drop google a note to have an under 12 category, since they are often the culprit to begin with.
Write us at the email address above to have your own story added. Meanwhile, hang
on to your car key Philadelphia, so you won't create your own personal catastrophy. If any of your friends or neighbors didn't get the memo, direct them to http://www.carkeylocksmithphiladelphia.com/ or just call 215-407-5942
Look for updates coming soon !
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