Lost Car Key Made in Philadelphia PA Score !
The days of the traveling salesmen are alive and doing well, I know this because I did eighty five thousand miles of it myself this year. You can call me, Theo. Hello to The Car Key Shop Philadelphia PA lost car key group, could I offer you a modern breakthrough in bedding technology? No? Well how about a story about losing car keys while driving the same car? That got you didn't it? Well I couldn't believe it either. This year has been a good year for me as far as sales goes. Maybe because I expanded my sales territory or maybe the economy is taking a slight turn. Any way I hope it continues this way at least for another four years. I was coming home from Chicago and was stopping often at several diners on the way home so I could enjoy the trip back. At one of the eateries I went in and put my car keys in my jacket pocket and ate at the counter. When I was finished eating I paid at the cash register put my keys down on the counter and left. When I got back to the car I took my keys out of my pocket started the car and continued my journey home. Did you catch that? It happened very quickly. I said “put my keys down on the counter and left.” When I get home my wife said “did you find my keys in your jacket pocket?” That's when it hit me. I had one set of keys in each pocket, her set and mine.
“You did what” she said with a slightly higher tone in her voice. I think I left them on the counter at one of those diners on the way home. So looking to make this problem go away as soon as possible I turned to the internet for a solution. I came across the lost car key maker in Philadelphia PA at http://www.carkeylocksmithphiladelphia.com/what-can-i-do-for-free-if-ive-lost-my-car-key.php and decided to get keys made with them right away instead of going to the dealership to get key copies made. After his arrival to the house and my confession of guilt, he said “Well that's not too bad at least you had another set, that makes my job easier” he said. In almost no time at all he had another set of keys made. He was paid and out the door when my wife called me in for dinner and she never knew he was there. “What are we going to do about this key situation?” she said with a calmer but still stern tone. I grabbed her by the waist kissed her on the cheek, reached around and held out the keys and said “What key situation?” SCORE! Lost car key guy and hubby one, wife . . . zero. Theo.