Saturday, August 20, 2016

If Only You Were Serious

Okay, Don. I thought you were a pretty smart guy.  I thought "He has a lot of new answers.   So what if he's just a little rough around the edges."  So I said let me hear everything he has to say because personally I like the guy. I'll hear what he has to say, maybe maybe I could vote for him. Well, that was then. At this point. I have to say. You're not even a serious candidate. You know, a friend of mine had this discussion. Way back in the beginning, and he said he's not really trying to win. He just wants to see if he could win or see how far he could go and he wants to write off some money to spend some extra money that that he can write off for tax purposes. I said no, I don't think that's it. I think you really use trying to win, but now you know what I think my friend was right. He's not he's not serious. She's not even really trying to when he's trying to blow off a little bit of extra money write it off on his taxes and to put it in his words return back to a comfortable life. Now it seems like that is what he was intending from the beginning. Alright, so in that respect, I have to say. Congratulations Don, you've succeeded.  You proved that you could have won if only you were serious.

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